Welcome to product-led sales

Endgame lets you connect the dots between user behavior and sales opportunities, without expensive data scientists or engineers.

Without endgame
With endgame

The Solution

Customer observability

Take immediate action on prospective and current customers based on real-time data signals


Real-time journeys

See what top accounts and users are doing in your product, how far along their journey they’ve come, and whether or not they need your team’s help.

Visibility illustration

Needs help

Highly engaged


Prioritized account lists

Improve the performance of your reps by showing them the prospects and opportunities with the strongest signals.

Scoring illustration
Score based on engagement + customer fit


Next best action

Increase conversion likelihood by taking the right action directly from Endgame’s UI or trigger the engagement tools you and your team already use.

Integrations illustration
Starting with sales engagement tools

“Traditional software sales is dying. The modern sales motion looks at what users are doing in a free plan or trial and then applies sales pressure to the highest value accounts that are most likely to convert.”

Judith Black
CEO, Workcation

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